Category Archives: News


Dear ARPParians,

You are invited to attend the first ARPP lunch of 2023 on Thursday, 2nd March at 12.30pm at the Kirribilli Club, 11 Harbourview Crescent, Lavender Bay.

We will also be able to meet for drinks in the bar area from 11.30am.  There will be a 3 course lunch with the cost for ARPP members being $55 ($70 for non-members).  ARPP will also provide wine with lunch. If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding. The very reasonable lunch costs are possible because of the annual subscription payments of ARPP members and sponsorship by Campbell Financial.

This will again be a pre-pay event. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. The Account Name is ARPP. Please include your name in your bank transfer payment.

Also, to help with number advice to the club, please send your intention to attend to Maurie Bird on or by phone on 0434148141. Please send payment to Noel and advice to Maurie by Thursday, 23rd February. Advice to Maurie can also help with cross-checking in any cases where Bank Transfer payments need followup.

There is parking available at the club with a flat cost of $12 for visitors. If travelling by public transport, take the train to Milsons Point Station and exit onto Alfred Street South. Turn right and go to Lavender Street and then left onto Harbourview Crescent  (about a 7 minute walk).

Annual affiliation fees are also now due for 2023. ARPP fees are $50 for metropolitan members and $30 for members who live outside metropolitan areas of Greater Sydney, Newcastle and Illawarra region

We look forward to an enjoyable lunch together.

Thank you to those members who have already accepted.

Best regards,

Maurie Bird (Events Coordinator), Tom Croker (President), Noel West (Treasurer)

Western Sydney/Blue Mountains Lunch

Dear ARPParians,

Western Sydney/Blue Mountains Lunch

You are invited to attend the ARPP Western Sydney/Blue Mountains lunch on Thursday 2nd May 2024 at The Royal Hotel, 220 Macquarie Road, Springwood from 12.30 pm for lunch at 1pm.This lunch has been organized by Graeme Roberts. The Royal Hotel is a short walk from Springwood Station.

Those attending can select and pay for their meal from the Bistro on the day. We will be able to purchase drinks to have before and with lunch. ARPP will also provide wine with lunch.

To help with number advice to the venue, please send your intention to attend this lunch to Graeme Roberts on or by phone on 0408627889 by Thursday, 25th April.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards,

Maurie Bird, Tom Croker, Graeme Roberts, Noel West, Kerry Knox.


Welcome back and Happy New Year. This is the first of our newsletters for ARPP and provides a January update……

Executive and Committee Elections. for 2024-25

The returning Officer Grahame Hayton has declared that the nominations received were

President  Tom Croker

Vice Presidents Heather Causley and Rick Riddle

Secretary  Kerryanne Knox

Treasurer  Noel West

Events Coordinator  Maurie Bird

Welfare Officer Chris Worthington

Committee Members   Geoff Scott,  Ray Gentles,  Jacki Malecki , Lyn Davis

As none of the positions were contested there was no need to conduct an election to confirm the positions

Our special thanks to Graham Hayton for conducting the elections. We appreciate your time.


Annual Xmas Lunch Report

This year our lunch attracted 66 members & friends which is the highest attendance ever at an ARPP event

A big thank you to our events coordinator Maurie Bird for organising the lunch and to Treasurer Noel West for his assistance

Our special guests were Barry Johnson Chairman of the Stewart House Board of Directors

Phil & Joel Campbell from Campbell Financial who continue to be our sponsor. and have committed for another 2 years.

Dr Sylvia Corish  Executive Director Students Support and special programs. Her role also includes the co-ordination of the recent  Schools Spectacular. (How great was that?) Sylvia was also a principal for 14 years

At this event we also welcomed two new members – Therese Hinder and Gerry Attwell

Several apologies were received including Murat Dizdar, Secretary of the DoE, Robyn Evans, PPA  President and Vice President Trish Peters

Our annual raffle to support Stewart House, our charity of choice, was conducted and raised $1340

Our special thanks to Heather Causley and Kerryanne Knox who organised the raffle.

A BIG thank you to members who so generously donated prizes and purchased tickets on the day.

May I express my appreciation to all of the Executive for their support and assistance with this special day


2024 Lunch Dates and venues 

Kirribilli: Thursday, 7th March.

Springwood: Thursday, 2nd May.

Sydney Rowing Club: Thursday, 6th June.

Newcastle: Thursday, 1st August.

Emperor’s Garden: Thursday, 5th September.

Woy Woy: October – date TBC

Epping: Thursday, 5th December.


ARPP Membership renewals for 2024

A big reminder to members that the annual 2024 membership fees are are now due

For Metropolitan members the annual sub is $50.   This provides a discount for each function and provides wine for each table

Payment can be made by direct deposit to the

ARPP Account

BSB 062668

Account number:10152151

OR paid on the first luncheon date at Kirribilli Club.

For non Metropolitan members outside of Newcastle, Greater Sydney and Illawarra Regions

the annual Fee is $30,00 and payment can be made as detailed above.


Stewart House Report

Continues to struggle financially largely due to the drop off in contributions from   teachers.

Principals are being encouraged to promote having a member of staff take on the role of Stewart House coordinator to create a better understanding of Stewart House and how schools can support Stewart House.We encourage members to lobby organisations that are connected to support Stewart House.

A recent event conducted by the Breakfast Point Men’s Shed raised $3000 in support of Stewart House

A big thank you to members & friends who supported the FOSH Xmas wine drive coordinated by Brian Collins which raised $3 600  to support Stewart House



We were delighted with the Wine raffle…thanks Brian Collins!

We had a great start to FOSH events with 60 people attending the High Tea (with champers) at Breakfast Point Country Club in November. It was a fun day with many acquaintances reconnecting and enjoying themselves immensely. We raised $1 000 and were delighted with the support.

We are having another event on February 2nd at Casula Powerhouse. It is a luncheon at $50 per head commencing at 12.30 pm

If you are interested and we would love to see you phone Robyn on 0407888196, or email at
By Friday 19 January 2024 (limited numbers)

The good news is that you can have a walk around the gallery as well….

Would you like to join FOSH? Please go to this website and follow Friends of Stewart House prompts.

Attached is a photo collection for a review of the year.



Vale  Maureen Stephenson

 Dear Fellow Arpparians

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you of the passing of our esteemed former principal colleague and ARPP member Maureen Stephenson at the age of 85. She lived at the Estra Aged Care facility at Manly Vale and passed away on 3rd January 2024. Principal colleague Maureen will also be remembered for her involvement in the NSWPPA where she served as secretary in the early years and later as Research officer. Maureen became a  Life member of the PPA in 1996.

 Maureen was an educator on Norfolk Island and in many NSW primary schools. Our thoughts and commiserations are extended to all her relatives and friends at this sad time.

Her funeral will be held at the Sacred Heart Church Mosman 23 Cardinal St Mosman this coming Thursday 18th January 2024 at 10:30am

Chris Worthington

Welfare Officer




Dear Colleagues,

As foreshadowed in the December Newsletter we are seeking your support for making several changes to our Constitution.

Details regarding the proposed Motions are set out below.


We are asking for Financial Members as at 2022 to complete the Voting Form at the end of the page and return it to our Returning Officer Graham Hayton by the due date.


PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to this email. Be sure to send the Voting Table to 





(a)    An annual subscription is payable by all members and associate members of the Association in June of each year. The subscription amount will be determined each year by the Association’s Executive. 

Motion 1: To change Item 4 part (a) to read “An annual subscription is payable by all members and associate members of the Association in January of each year. The subscription amount will be determined each year.

Justification: It is more logical to operate the Association on a calendar year January- December


(a)      Elections will be bi-annual and held in July. Office bearers will take up their positions from October of the year elected.

Motion : To change Item 7 part (a) to read“ Elections will be bi-annual and held by December. Office bearers will take up their positions from January of the year after election”.

Justification: Aligns with subscription payments and allows the committee to take up new positions from the beginning of the calendar year.


Item 11. VOTING 


Change to read:” Amendments require 2/3 of Financial members casting a vote are in favour of the Motion that will become effective immediately following the acceptance of the motion.”



  • To preside at all luncheons and meetings to manage the flow of business and information on these occasions
  • To provide reports on luncheons, meetings, and happenings among the membership


Motion to change Item 6 Part (a) President to read


  • To preside at all luncheons and meetings and to manage the flow of business and information on these occasions. 
  • To provide reports on luncheons, meetings, and happenings amongst the membership. 
  • To represent the Association on such occasions as NSWPPA State Council Meetings. 
  • To be the public voice of the Association as and when required. 

Justification: To acknowledge and adopt the additional responsibilities as part of the role of the President 


  •      To keep a current account of the Association funds
  •      To collect and bank all monies and to pay all accounts associated with the account, as approved by the Executive.
  • To present financial statements to all luncheons and meetings of the Association.
  •     To publish and distribute an Annual Financial Statement in July of each year.
  • To pay accounts and bank all monies accrued by this Association.
  •    To follow up payment of annual subscription
  •     To liaise closely with any sponsor (s)

Motion: To change Item 6 Part (d) Treasurer to read


  •    To keep a current account of the Association funds
  •   To collect and bank all monies and to pay all accounts associated with the account, as approved by the Executive.
  • To present financial statements to all luncheons and meetings of the Association.
  • To publish and distribute an Annual Financial Statement in December of each year.
  • To pay accounts and bank all monies accrued by this Association.
  •    To follow up payment of annual subscription
  •    To liaise closely with any sponsor (s)

Justification: Aligns with changes to the subscriptions and office bearer changes.

Please show your support and cast your vote by February 3rd, 2023 The attached response has to be returned  to Graham Hayton at



Kerryanne Knox



On Behalf of Executive Committee


Dear ARPParians,

You are invited to attend the first ARPP lunch of 2023 on Thursday, 2nd March at 12.30pm at the Kirribilli Club, 11 Harbourview Crescent, Lavender Bay.

We will also be able to meet for drinks in the bar area from 11.30am.  There will be a 3 course lunch with the cost for ARPP members being $55 ($70 for non-members).  ARPP will also provide wine with lunch. If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding. The very reasonable lunch costs are possible because of the annual subscription payments of ARPP members and sponsorship by Campbell Financial.

This will again be a pre-pay event. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent directly to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. The Account Name is ARPP. Please include your name in your bank transfer payment.

Also, to help with number advice to the club, please send your intention to attend to Maurie Bird on or by phone on 0434148141. Please send payment to Noel and advice to Maurie by Thursday, 23rd February. Advice to Maurie can also help with cross-checking in any cases where Bank Transfer payments need followup.

There is parking available at the club with a flat cost of $12 for visitors. If traveling by public transport, take the train to Milsons Point Station and exit onto Alfred Street South. Turn right and go to Lavender Street and then left onto Harbourview Crescent  (about a 7-minute walk).

Annual affiliation fees are also now due for 2023. ARPP fees are $50 for metropolitan members and $30 for members who live outside metropolitan areas of Greater Sydney, Newcastle, and Illawarra region

We look forward to an enjoyable lunch together.

Thank you to those members who have already accepted.

Best regards,

Maurie Bird (Events Coordinator), Tom Croker (President), Noel West (Treasurer)


Dear Members,

A few matters for your information:

  1. Sadly we have been advised of the passing of another dear colleague, Jane Mollick who passed away this week.


Jane started her career as a teacher at Cabramatta PS then on to Nuwarra PS before moving on to Marsden Road PS as an Assistant Principal and as the Relieving Principal for a number of years. She relieved as a Principal at Narwee PS (2003 – 2004) finishing her career as Principal of Padstow Park PS (2004-2017)

For those who remember Jane she was passionate about the performing arts and was very involved with choirs and public speaking. Jane championed public education and was a well respected colleague.

Her husband Joe, also a Principal, has informed us that in true Jane form, she fought to the end and was so happy to live long enough to see her two grandchildren Olive and Ernest born.

Jane’s funeral will be held on Tuesday, May 10 at Woronora Lodge within Woronora Memorial Park, Linden Street, Sutherland commencing at 1.30 pm.

If you are going to attend, please wear something blue to brighten up the day….it was a favourite colour!

Special thanks to Secretary Kerryanne Knox for her assistance in preparing this tribute to Jane


  1. REMINDER: LUNCH at Sydney Rowers Club 1st JUne

Our next Lunch for 2022 will be held at Watergrill Restaurant, Sydney Rowing Club, 613 Great North Road, Abbotsford on Wednesday, 1st June at 12.30pm. Our lunches for this year will be shared between Wednesdays and Thursdays, following some member enquiries about having lunches on days other than Thursday

Cost for the lunch is $60 for ARPP members and $75 for non-members. We are able to keep our costs as low as possible because of the support of Campbell Financial and the payment of annual fees by ARPP members. The cost includes a 2-course lunch and wine with lunch. If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding.  We can meet for drinks in the Bar Area from 11.30am.

This will again be a pre-pay event. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. The Account Name is ARPP. Those members who have a credit from a previous lunch can pay the balance for this Sydney Rowing Club lunch. Please note this on your payment advice.

Also, to help with number advice to the club, please send your intention to attend to Maurie Bird on or by phone on 0434148141. Please send payment to Noel and advice to Maurie by Wednesday 25th May.  Advice to Maurie can also help with cross-checking in any cases where Bank Transfer payments need followup.

There is some parking available at the club. If travelling by public transport, take the Circular Quay-Parramatta Rivercat Ferry service and alight at Abbotsford Wharf. The 438 bus from the city also terminates at the club.


We look forward to this get-together.


Attached are two recent reports prepared by Trvevor Cobbold, National Convenor of Save Our Schools, that you may find of interest especially given the upcoming elections.

Stay safe & well

Tom Croker

ARPP President

Morrison government to over-fund NSW private schools by nearly $1 billion

Labor Chooses Privilege Over Fairness in Education.docx


Dear Members,

A few matters for your information:

  1. Sadly we have been advised of the passing of another dear colleague, Jane Mollick who passed away this week.


Jane started her career as a teacher at Cabramatta PS then on to Nuwarra PS before moving on to Marsden Road PS as an Assistant Principal and as the Relieving Principal for a number of years. She relieved as a Principal at Narwee PS (2003 – 2004) finishing her career as Principal of Padstow Park PS (2004-2017)

For those who remember Jane she was passionate about the performing arts and was very involved with choirs and public speaking. Jane championed public education and was a well-respected colleague.

Her husband Joe, also a Principal, has informed us that in true Jane form, she fought to the end and was so happy to live long enough to see her two grandchildren Olive and Ernest born.

Jane’s funeral will be held on Tuesday, May 10 at Woronora Lodge within Woronora Memorial Park, Linden Street, Sutherland commencing at 1.30 pm.

If you are going to attend, please wear something blue to brighten up the day….it was a favourite colour!

Special thanks to Secretary Kerryanne Knox for her assistance in preparing this tribute to Jane

  1. REMINDER: LUNCH at Sydney Rowers Club 1st JUne

Our next Lunch for 2022 will be held at Watergrill Restaurant, Sydney Rowing Club, 613 Great North Road, Abbotsford on Wednesday, 1st June at 12.30pm. Our lunches for this year will be shared between Wednesdays and Thursdays, following some member enquiries about having lunches on days other than Thursday

Cost for the lunch is $60 for ARPP members and $75 for non-members. We are able to keep our costs as low as possible because of the support of Campbell Financial and the payment of annual fees by ARPP members. The cost includes a 2-course lunch and wine with lunch. If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding.  We can meet for drinks in the Bar Area from 11.30am.

This will again be a pre-pay event. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. The Account Name is ARPP. Those members who have a credit from a previous lunch can pay the balance for this Sydney Rowing Club lunch. Please note this on your payment advice. 

Also, to help with number advice to the club, please send your intention to attend to Maurie Bird on or by phone on 0434148141. Please send payment to Noel and advice to Maurie by Wednesday 25th May.  Advice to Maurie can also help with cross-checking in any cases where Bank Transfer payments need followup.

There is some parking available at the club. If travelling by public transport, take the Circular Quay-Parramatta Rivercat Ferry service and alight at Abbotsford Wharf. The 438 bus from the city also terminates at the club.

We look forward to this get-together.


Attached are two recent reports prepared by Trvevor Cobbold, National Convenor of Save Our Schools, that you may find of interest especially given the upcoming elections.

Stay safe & well

Tom Croker

ARPP President


Labor Chooses Privilege Over Fairness in Education.docx

The ARPP Christmas Lunch for 2022

Dear Arrparians,

The ARPP Christmas Lunch for 2022 will be held at The Epping Club, 45-47 Rawson Street, Epping on Thursday, 1st December at 12.30pm.

Our lunch will be in The Grand Ballrooms 3 and 4. The 12.30pm start is earlier than our usual 1pm lunches to cater for the canapes and pre-dinner drinks, the 3-course lunch, the gift giving and the Stewart House raffle draw.  We hope it will enable all colleagues, especially those who have travelled long distances, to enjoy the full lunch experience. We will also be able to meet for drinks in the 45 on Rawson Bar from 11.30am.


Costs and Inclusions

Cost for ARPP members will be $70.00 ($85.00 for non-members). We are able to keep our costs as low as possible because of the support of Campbell Financial and the payment of annual fees by ARPP members. The cost includes canapes with pre-dinner drinks (selection of champagne, beer, soft drinks, orange juice and iced water), a three-course lunch, wine with lunch and tea/coffee. This lunch will be a pre-pay event.

(If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding).



There will be some limited parking at the Club. To use the club carpark, press the buzzer and advise attendance at the Retired Principals’ Lunch. If club parking becomes unavailable, parking in nearby Chesterfield Road or Chelmsford Avenue is recommended. Alternatively, there is a free Council Carpark located on Rawson Street (Time restrictions may apply).


Train Travel

If coming by train, alight at Epping Station and walk across the pedestrian overbridge and then through The Epping Club Walk (about a 3 minute walk). For train travel, the Central to Newcastle services and Newcastle to Central Express services have limited stops including Epping.


Kris Kringle

We ask that all attending bring a Christmas gift to the value of around $10 for a Kris Kringle gift sharing.

Stewart House FOSH Raffle

We will have a Stewart House FOSH Raffle. Tickets can be purchased at the lunch. Bring some cash for the raffle. Any donations for the raffle can be advised by contacting Kerryanne Knox on kknox@bigpond.comor Heather Causley on

How to advise attendance

Please advise Maurie Bird of your attendance by email or by phone on 0434148141 by Thursday, 24th November. Numbers need to be advised to the club at this time.

How to pay

All those attending should send payment to Noel West by 24th November. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. If you have a credit because of lunch cancellation or other factors, please note this on your payment eg “Balance paid by $35 credit”. If required, credit amounts can be confirmed by emailing Noel West on

We look forward to a very enjoyable Christmas get-together. This end-of-year lunch is a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues. We hope to see as many as possible at this event.

Maurie Bird (Events Coordinator), Tom Croker (President), Noel West (Treasurer)

KIrribilli Lunch 2022

Dear ARPParians,

You are invited to attend the first ARPP lunch of 2022 on Thursday, 3rd  March at 11.45am at the Kirribilli Club, 11 Harbourview Crescent, Lavender Bay. We have selected the earlier lunch sitting time this year so that the later 1.30pm sitting we had last year will not cause any problems with some members’ afternoon commitments.

We will also be able to meet for drinks in the bar area from 11am.  There will be a 3 course lunch with the cost for ARPP members being $51 ($66 for non-members).  ARPP will also provide wine with lunch. If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding. The very reasonable lunch costs are possible because of the annual subscription payments of ARPP members and sponsorship by Campbell Financial.

This will again be a pre-pay event. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. The Account Name is ARPP.

Also, to help with number advice to the club, please send your intention to attend to Maurie Bird on or by phone on 0434148141. Please send payment to Noel and advice to Maurie by Thursday, 24th February. Advice to Maurie can also help with cross-checking in any cases where Bank Transfer payments need followup.

There is some parking available at the club with a flat cost of $12 for visitors. If travelling by public transport, take the train to Milsons Point Station and exit onto Alfred Street South. Turn right and go to Lavender Street and then left onto Harbourview Crescent  (about a 7 minute walk).

We look forward to an enjoyable lunch together.


Best regards,

Maurie Bird (Events Co-ordinator), Tom Croker (President), Noel West (Treasurer)

Christmas Lunch Reminder

Christmas lunch Reminder

Hi Arpparians,

For those members who have not registered for the Annual Christmas Lunch please note the following reminder:


The ARPP Christmas Lunch for 2021 will be held at The Epping Club, 45-47 Rawson Street, Epping on Thursday, 2nd December at 12.30pm.

Our lunch will be in The Grand Salon. The 12.30pm start is earlier than our usual 1pm lunches to cater for the canapes and pre-dinner drinks, the 3-course lunch, the gift giving and the Stewart House raffle draw.  We hope it will enable all colleagues, especially those who have travelled long distances, to enjoy the full lunch experience. We will also be able to meet for drinks in the 45 on Rawson Bar (formerly called the E Bar) from 11.30am with appropriate spacing.


Costs and Inclusions

Cost for ARPP members will be $70 ($85 for non-members). This will include payment for the Stewart House /FOSH Raffle. We are able to keep our costs as low as possible because of the support of Campbell Financial and the payment of annual fees by ARPP members. The cost includes canapes with pre-dinner drinks (selection of champagne, beer, soft drinks, orange juice and iced water), a three-course lunch, wine with lunch and tea/coffee. This lunch will be a pre-pay event.

(If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding).

Kris Kringle

We are also including the Kris Kringle Christmas gift sharing and for those wishing to participate please bring along a gift to the value of around $10.



There will be some limited parking at the Club. To use the club carpark, press the buzzer and advise attendance at the Retired Principals’ Lunch. If club parking becomes unavailable, parking in nearby Chesterfield Road or Chelmsford Avenue is recommended. Alternatively, there is a free Council Carpark located on Rawson Street (Time restrictions may apply).


Train Travel

If coming by train, alight at Epping Station and walk across the pedestrian overbridge and then through The Epping Club Walk (about a 3 minute walk). For train travel, the Central to Newcastle services and Newcastle to Central Express services have limited stops including Epping.


Easing of Covid restrictions

We would expect in the interest of the health of colleagues that all attending this lunch will be double vaccinated.

We can also return to the Kris Kringle and we ask that all attending bring a Christmas gift to the value of around $10 for a Kris Kringle gift sharing.


How to advise attendance

Please advise Maurie Bird of your attendance by email or by phone on 0434148141 by Thursday, 25th November. Numbers need to be advised to the club at this time.

How to pay

All those attending should send payment to Noel West by 25th November. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668  Account Number 10152151. If you have a credit because of lunch cancellation or other factors, please note this on your payment eg “Balance paid by $35 credit”. Credit amounts can be confirmed by emailing Noel West on a week before payment is due.

We look forward to a very enjoyable Christmas get-together.

Maurie Bird (Events Coordinator), Tom Croker (President), Noel West (Treasurer)