Membership Association Retired Primary Principals
To register to become a member of ARPP please complete the information below and then click “submit”. We will contact you shortly afterwards to confirm your details.
The Annual Sub is $50.00, which provides a discount for each function, puts wine on the table and keeps everyone in touch through Notices, Newsletters & Website
Payment can be made by either:
Direct Deposit to the ARPP Account BSB 062668 Ac No 10152151 or by cheque to ARPP C/- Noel West, 62 Wagstaffe Ave Wagstaffe 2257
Be sure to include your name as a reference in the payment.
NON- METROPOLITAN – Outside of Newcastle, Greater Sydney and Illawarra Regions
The Annual Fee is $30.00, and payments can be made by Bank Transfer or Cheque as detailed above.