Welcome one and all to our 2022 mid-year update. As we endeavor to manage life with the ever-present COVID virus, which has impacted

so much on our lifestyles, and the ongoing disasters that confront schools & communities, we live in hope that the remainder of 2022

will become a safer and healthier year. We look forward to maintaining our Networks and providing the various

lunches, events, and visits with our colleagues planned for 2022.

Our hearts and thoughts go out to those dedicated health workers, volunteers and the many victims of the horrible disasters confronting our communities.


We extend our best wishes to the PPA and all principals & teachers who are struggling to ensure our schools can manage the

ongoing challenges facing the education system especially during the recent disasters and the ongoing issues with the pandemic.


TARGETS for 2022                                                 


1.      ARPP Communication Networks

Further development of our Website, as we endeavour to make the site more responsive to the various needs of our members and focus on aspects such as Managing Retirement, Keeping in Touch, Retirement Options, Working in Retirement and Staying Up to date.

We are developing information for the various Topics, and we look forward to member contributions especially in the form of stories and reflections.


A reminder that the site domain name is rppa.com.au and the members password is rppamember2021#


2.      Reviewing and promoting our Membership which is now at its highest level in recent years.


3.      Formalising the establishment of Area Contacts across the state to support the broadening of our membership base, assisting with regional events, and supporting the provision of Networks for our Rural members. A Seeding Grant will be provided to support the Initiative.

4.      Expanding opportunities for our members through the establishment of A Professional Register. This will provide the opportunity for members with a special interest and background in issues & policies to respond to initiatives, issues and policies on behalf of ARPP

5.      The provision of news & articles of interest by way of keeping in touch with current trends.

·         Expressions of interest to apply for positions that are available to our retired members

·         Maintaining our support for public schools and equitable funding



During 2022 we have held two Metropolitan Lunch Meetings:


·         The first lunch was held at the Kirribilli Club with our list of attendees starting at 32 but reduced to 20 due to the devastating rain and local flooding which prevented many from travelling to the venue.

Our special guests were PPA President Robyn Evans who joined us for a pre-lunch chat and PPA Vice president Trish Peters our Liaison Executive to ARPP who joined us for lunch.


·         Last week we held our 2nd Lunch Meeting at the Sydney Rowers Club, Abbotsford with 34 attending for a delightful meal and get together. It was great to catch up with our special guests Margaret McMillan & Lorenza Powyer.


Future Metropolitan Lunches will be held on:

·         Thursday 8 September at Emperors Gardens at 1.00pm

·         Thursday 1st December at the Epping Club at 12.30pm


Details of those events will be circulated closer to the date.


Non-Metropolitan Lunch Outings

Our first Event will be a lunch meeting in Newcastle on Thursday 30 June.

Coordinator Brian Collins has arranged for lunch to be held at Adamstown

Details of the event have been sent out recently.


We are working towards Lunch Events in the Central Coast (Gosford) and South Coast (Dapto or Kiama). Dates will be advised as they come to hand.

Visits to regional areas are still under consideration for Bathurst/Orange or Mudgee subject to the COVID 19 Heath restrictions and requirements. We look forward to such events being able to take place and the opportunity to meet with colleagues in those regional locations.


Annual Golf Day:    Due to the extreme wet weather conditions the Golf Day has been rescheduled to be held at Massey Park on the first Friday in October. The day as always is open to ARPP members and friends, to club and social golfers and to men and women golfers.

A Notice to members with full details will be sent out closer to the event. Our special thanks to Ray Gentles who is organising the event.



A very special welcome to our most recent new/renewing ARPP Members:  Sue Estens, Peter Rowsell, Steve Munsie and Chris Cameron

A special introduction to Chris Cameron:

Chris Cameron 1970 – 2010.

“After graduating from the rigours of two years training at Wollongong Teachers College and at the tender age of 19yrs I was appointed to Schofields PS in Western Sydney, which was then primarily a small urban/market garden community. After bringing my 45 Year 5 students to order on Day 1 I soon mastered the art of Betty and Jim, Let’s Be Good Spellers, Let’s Use Better English etc at the same time as ensuring that my weekly content allocation correctly totalled 1425min. I also married my wife, Janelle, on 22 August 1970.

In my third year I was appointed Teacher-in-Charge at Lower Portland Public School, whereas as was the custom I was elected Secretary of the Lower Portland School of Arts and Agricultural Bureau, which was a big title for a small show. I enjoyed my time there immensely, developing a sound understanding of K-6 teaching and learning as well as completing my BA as a pioneer external studies student through Macquarie University, mastering the art of digesting two weekly reel-to-reel audio taped lectures per subject interspersed with practical sessions conducted during the term vacation.

I was later appointed DP to Collarenebri Central followed by DP to Tregear PS At this time I also completed a Graduate Diploma in Education at UWS. No HECS involved!

After a stint as DP at Smithfield Wes PS, where I completed a Masters Degree, I was appointed Principal at The Meadows PS where I met some wonderful Met West Colleagues. After 9 years as Principal at Werrington PS, which also accommodated the students from the relocated Nepean Crippled Student School, I retired in 2010 after taking leave in 2009.

As challenging as it often was the opportunity to seamlessly work and study in a variety of situations throughout the state, meeting a variety of wonderful people, is something I treasure and I don’t think is so easily afforded to those currently working in schools”.

MEMBER DETAILS UPDATE- Please refer to the attachment**

To assist with ensuring our records are up to date we are asking all members to complete a request to update their Contact details. In addition to confirming email address & phone number/s we are seeking some details regarding background such as: Teacher college attended, year and first school, school appointments as teacher & principal, final school & year of retirement. We would also welcome any other information of events during years of service such as Out of school secondments, Life Membership, etc.


As indicated in our Targets for 2022 we are proposing the establishment of a Professional Members Register to provide the opportunity for members to provide advice and comment on current issues and policies relating to the profession on behalf of ARPP. The PPA has welcomed this initiative to provide advice to their Reference Groups. More details will be provided when we have finalised the procedure.


 Report to ARPP on the Term 2 2022 NSWPPA State Council Meeting – Prepared by Executive Committee Member Geoff Scott

The NSWPPA State Council Meeting for Term 2, 2022 was held on 9th and 10th June at the Novotel Sydney Central, Ultimo.

In attendance: NSWPPA State Executive, 43 Area Council Delegates, Chairpersons of Reference Groups, Standing Committees, Working Parties, as well as Professional Support Officers, Professional Learning Officer and Observer Delegates from Central Schools, EECs, PSLs, PSSA and the ARPP.

Invited Guest Speakers included: The Minister of Education – Hon. Sarah Mitchell; DoE Secretary – Georgina Harrison; DoE Senior Officers – Murat Dizdar (Dep. Sec.); Samuel Rickets and Tanya Neal (Dirs Aboriginal Education); Leah Anderson and Jeremy Kurucz (Dirs HR); NSWTF President – Angelo Gavrielatos.

Main areas of discussion with Guests and in general Council sessions included:

·         Staffing shortages and methods to manage teacher supply issues, especially in remote and hard-to-staff schools.

·         Inclusive Education Reforms, stemming partly from the Disabilities Royal Commission, and the impact of proposals re inclusion –v- special provision; discipline and suspension – proposed changes now deferred until Term 3.

·         Connected Communities Program and other matters re Aboriginal Education.

·         Workload issues for Principals and teachers.

·         Responses to school emergency situations, including Covid, Influenza, North Coast floods.

·         Principal Classifications – changes required.

·         Curriculum Implementation changes.

Reports presented included:

·         President’s Report (Robyn Evans); Secretary’s Report (Greg McLaren); Treasurer’s Report (Gregory Grinham); PSOs Report; PLO Report; Central Schools, EEC, PSL, PSSA and ARPP (apology from Tom Croker – Report presented by PSO Geoff Scott).

NSWPPA Business Sessions included:

·         AGPPA and APPA Reports (new AGPPA President Pat Murphy, QASSP).

·         Dep.Pres. Rob Walker standing down due to relinquishing his Principal position (will apply for another Principal position and be a candidate for Dep.Pres. at this year’s NSWPPA State Exec. Elections). Michael Burgess (currently Vice Pres.) to be Dep.Pres until the elections; Leah Martin (Sth. Coast Delegate) elected to vacant Vice Pres. Position.

·         Appreciation to outgoing Chairpersons.

·         Area Council Issues raised by members at Area Council Meetings.

·         Position Papers for ratification included: K-6 Staffing of Schools; Teaching Principals’ RG Position.

·         ARPP members’ offers to assist the NSWPPA Exec. through reading and submitting comment on PPA Positions and Responses, through Pres. Robyn Evans, accepted with thanks.

·         NSWPPA Annual Conference 2022 – this year, NSW is hosting the APPA Conference, which will be conducted over 4 days from Tuesday 1st – Friday 4th November at the Sofitel Sydney Wentworth. Life Member functions will be publicised to all prior to the Conference.



We seek your support in promoting our organisation as a strong advocate for our schools, Leaders & NSWPPA and a continuing voice for public education. ARPP was established to provide an avenue for retirees to keep in touch and to be able to meet and share their life in retirement. While many of our members take on roles in a variety of organizations there are many who find the transition more difficult.

Our events, newsletters and website provide news and a communication around the state. All retirees whether they are metropolitan, or country can be involved through the various groups as they meet during the year. If there is anyone whom you would like to contact, please inform Kerryanne Knox on kknox@bigpond.com or President Tom on mtcroker@bigpond.net.au. or Geoff Scott at Geoff.scott@det.nsw.edu.au

We continue working on ways to send our information to retired and recently retired principals. The best way of course is always word of mouth & promoting our membership to other retirees & friends. Please take advantage of those get-togethers, reunions, special birthday celebrations and spread the word….join us!

METROPOLITAN – The Annual Sub is $50 which provides a discount for each function, puts wine on the table and keeps everyone in touch. Payment can be made at any function or by Direct Deposit to the ARPP Account BSB 062668 Ac No 10152151 or by cheque to ARPP, C/- Noel West, 62 Wagstaffe Ave, Wagstaffe 2257

NON- METROPOLITAN – Outside of Newcastle, Greater Sydney, and Illawarra Regions

The Annual Fee is $30.00, and payments can be made by Bank Transfer or Cheque as detailed above.



Executive Committee Member Chris Worthington, as our Welfare Officer, urges you all to advise him (or other Executive Members) of any members who are doing it tough or are suffering ill health.

In such critical pandemic times, it is more important than ever to have in place networks to help us look after each other.



Sadly, this year we have said farewell & paid tribute to several of our good friends and colleagues who have passed away during 2022.

Keith Grant (March), Wayne Ash (April), Ken Masters (April), Jane Mollica (May) and Greg Way (May).



As we emerge from the pandemic Stewart House are now offering placements for 40 students during Term 2 & 3. The numbers will increase progressively during the remainder of the year with a modified program. The processing of students relies on the generous assistance of the coordinator principals and Stewart House are very appreciative of their support.

A recent Report highlighted the 7-year decline in revenue from salary contributions. In the past donations from NSW staff and students funded 100% of the annual operating expenses which unfortunately is now down to 30%. Strategies for increasing the contributions and greater awareness of the needs of Stewart House are presently being shared with the NSW DoE, Premier & Cabinet, and the NSW Teachers Federation. Meetings with the PPA & SPC are being arranged.

We would encourage all teachers & principals, both current and retired, to maintain their support for this wonderful organisation. 


After 3 years & 5 months we are very close to signing off on a new Deed of Cooperation with the Department. This sets out the services the Department provides including the staffing of the Stewart House School.


FOSH Update- Please see the attachment **

Is back in action and recently held the AGM at which the new Executive and Committee were elected. Congratulations to Kerryanne Knox (President), Tom Croker (Vice President), Alan Laughlin (Secretary) and Robyn Graham (Treasurer).

Plans are underway for Friends of Stewart House events and fund-raising activities. This includes the very successful Wine Order Drive held last year which allocates $50.00 to Stewart House for every dozen wines purchased. Please give it your support. Details for ordering are attached. Be sure to enable the Order document to allow wine orders to be filled in on the form

Thanks to everyone who supported the fundraisers in 2021. We appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to Stewart House.

On behalf of The Executive Committee: Heather Causley, Rick Riddle, Kerryanne Knox, Noel West, Maurie Bird, Geoff Scott, Jackie Malecki, Ray Gentles & Chris Worthington thank you for your attendance and support of our various ARPP events during 2022.


Above all, keep well & enjoy the good life


Tom Croker

President &

Executive Committee



FOSH June 2022 Wine Order Form New version2 – DOWNLOAD HERE


June 2022 FOSH Wine List ONLY

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