Hi Colleagues,

Please note the following Matters for your information and the opportunity to participate:

  1. FOSH (Friends of Stewart House)  DOYLE’S LUNCHEON

12th AUGUST 2022

You are invited to our first function for 2022

Doyles On The Beach Restaurant, Watsons Bay

(short ferry trip from Circular Quay)

11 Marine Parade Watsons Bay.

Winter Special

Seafood Chowder

Fish & Chips

Glass of wine

ALL FOR $50 (this includes a $5 donation for FOSH)


For attendance, deposit the money with your number and name attending.

BSB 812-17

Account : 26344

Account Name : FOSH

Further enquiries : kknox@bigpond.com


The NSW Government has launched a  parliamentary inquiry into Teacher shortages. Click on the link below to read about it OR lodge your own submission.

As successful public school leaders we need to support our current colleagues by submitting a response.


As an association we would like to formalise a response but the submissions are due by Sunday, 31st July.

We have a number of reasons collected already:

  • Workload of administration that is detracting teachers from teaching and learning.
  • Teaching to tests for the first half of the year with unrealistic expectations on teachers and students
  • No joy in the art of teaching – K-2 Syllabus is so prescribed that there is no room for ANY creativity by the teacher.
  • Constant “weighing of the pig” rather than “feeding the pig”.
  • One year student growth pressure placed on teachers by DET and school leaders
  • Unnecessary mandatory training
  • Non-competitive salaries in industry as a whole
  • Devaluing of the profession by bureaucrats and politicians
  • The failure of the Minister and the Secretary to defend teachers for any reason (cf to Police Minister and Fire Commissioner who defend their people when required)
  • Whittling away of the authority of schools
  • Failure to develop and. Implement well-being strategies (for Yrs 7-12 the strategies suggested DO NOT align with the Crimes Act)
  • Increased hostility by parents and students to staff
  • The failure of the DET to provide systems that are “fir for purpose”
  • Directorates that DO NOT talk to each other resulting in time lags to solve or deal with issues.
  • Increased pressure on CRT to deliver system negotiated targets.
  • Pathetic scholarship incentives that have not been updated in the last 15 years.
  • Inordinate amounts of money spent on university grads who are poached before they leave Uni…our system is too slow.
  • Inability of school executive to build capacity.
  • Inability of the DET to manage in a timely manner dysfunctional  staff in schools that cause collateral damage on all staff – WH &S, conduct issue
  • If you have any others you would like to add, please do so as we need to get this sorted . Please send any ideas by the 19th July 2022 so that we can collate them.

If you have any others you would like to add, please do so as we need to address this issue & respond. PLEASE send any ideas by 22nd JULY 2022 so that we can collate them


As advised in the recent Newsletter we are in the process of Updating our Membership details and we are seeking your cooperation by completing and returning the Member Profile Details.

The Details are attached below

THank you to those members who have sent back their details.

Stay safe & well

ARPP Executive Committee



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