Bob Winder

Good evening IRSEA members

I feel like this information is part of a milestone in my own history as I can remember vividly receiving information signed “Bob Winder” many many times in my teaching career. I am sad to inform you that another one of our education family has died. As his family simply said in his death notice “respected educator and administrator.”


I believe that Bob recently passed away and was privately cremated so there is no chance for colleagues to bid farewell. We can all raise a glass to Bob at our next meeting or gathering…a fitting reason for a round of drinks!


Geoff Baldwin and Alan Laughlin provided some stories and history……Robert Winder, born in 1930 entered the Department of Education in 1948 and despite being a good teacher, was getting a reputation as a highly organised young man.


If I mention names such as Doug Swan and Bill Nay, Bob worked at the same time as a senior administrator. In fact, some people will remember him as “Doug Swan’s right hand man”.

Although appointed as a Director-General, it was a very short time in office as the Government changed and Terry Metherell breezed in with the untimely goodbye to Bob. Bob retired and went to live in Terrigal and enjoyed the Central Coast life.


Geoff Baldwin will prepare a more fitting obituary to Bob over the next few weeks and we will print in the newsletter. Until then, just remember Bob and his service to education and give thanks that public education had the experience of a great educator and administrator . Time to rest now Bob…..your service to students is recognised.





 Reginald William Sams (Reg)   21-1-1939 to 9-11-22 (83years)

Reg commenced his teaching career at Woodglen Public School near Delegate in 1960.  During the 1960s he was appointed to Glen Gallic, and Marayong PS.

He married Jan in 1966 and they had two children, Craig, and Julie-ann. Our sincere thoughts and condolences go to them and all the family.

During the 1970s Reg was DP at Quirindi, Principal at Wallhallow and Manager of the Caroona Aboriginal Reserve and Principal of Kandos.

In 1986 he was appointed as Principal of Mudgee Public School.   During this time, he held positions in the Regional Principals Association including that of President.

Reg will be remembered for a dry sense of humour, his quiet tolerance of all and as a truly valued mentor to many young teachers and Principals. “Just an Old Primary Principal” was his favourite job description, but he was never JUST anything. His playful banter was usually a teaching tool and often used to help colleagues self-evaluate.

In his final years with DET he held many positions as Cluster Director, Director of Schools Mudgee, Director of Resources Bathurst and as the Director Assisting the Assistant Director General. He retired in January 1997 and remained a valued wise counsellor to many. Thank you, Reg Sams.

Knowledgeable, respected and well-loved Reg will be missed by his family and his colleagues.


Jane Mollica

We are saddened by the loss of Jane Mollica. Jane spent all of her career in South West Sydney and was a highly respected colleague. Jane lost her battle with cancer last week surrounded by husband Joe and children, Caitlin and Lachlan.

Jane started her education career on the 29th January, 1980 and reired in 2017 due to illness.

Jane started her career as a teacher at Cabramatta PS then on to Nuwarra PS before moving on to Marsden Road PS as an Assistant Principal and as the Relieving Principal for a number of years. She relieved as a Prinicpal at Narwee PS (2003 – 2004) finishing her career as Principal of Padstow Park PS (2004-2017)

For those who remember Jane she was passionate about the performing arts and was very involved with choirs and public speaking. Jane championed public education and was a well respected colleague.

Her husband Joe, also a Principal, has informed us that in true Jane form, she fought to the end and was so happy to live long enough to see her two grandchildren Olive and Ernest born.

Jane’s funeral will be held on Tuesday, May 10 at Woronora Lodge within Woronora Memorial Park, Linden Street, Sutherland commencing at 1.30 pm.

If you are going to attend, please wear something blue to brighten up the day….it was a favourite colour!

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the recent passing of our esteemed colleague Ken Masters, only a few months following the passing of his beloved wife Kay.

Ken spent many years in Met. West Region as Principal, the last school being Jasper Rd from which he retired in 1999. During part of his tenure in Met. West, Ken was seconded to take charge of Curriculum Consultancy & Inservice Training within the Region. In this role, he treated the Consultancy as a significant task, and skillfully trained his staff in the special skills that were required of them.

Ken also played a significant role in Special Education where his leadership skills were outstandingly displayed in the way he led the extremely successful amalgamation of Northcott Special School and Jasper Rd Public School’s Special Education Unit. For this great achievement, he was awarded The Director General’s School Achievement Award for the Integration of the Physically Disabled.

Ken excelled in sport, having played First Grade cricket in the Hunter Valley Region. He also played five-eight in the President’s Cup team for Parramatta.

Ken was also an accomplished short distance runner and won money running professionally. For this, he was chosen as one of the Olympic torch bearers for the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games.

It then followed that at whichever school Ken was principal, sport played a very important part, where the school always developed a strong sporting reputation. His last school Jasper Rd, was a fine example of Ken’s overriding influence in this area.

Ken a great educator in the true sense, will be greatly missed by all who knew him, and on behalf of you all, I pass on our commiserations to his daughter Yvette, son Guy and their families.

Ken’s funeral will be held at Castlebrook Crematorium Rouse Hill, next Tuesday 3rd May at 3pm. All are invited to attend.

Special thanks To Chris Worthington our Welfare Officer and Member Peter Dawson for their assistance with preparing this Tribute


Tom Croker

President ARPP



It is with great sadness that I inform you of the recent passing of our esteemed colleague Ken Masters, only a few months following the passing of his beloved wife Kay.

Ken spent many years in Met. West Region as Principal, the last school being Jasper Rd from which he retired in 1999. During part of his tenure in Met. West, Ken was seconded to take charge of Curriculum Consultancy & Inservice Training within the Region. In this role, he treated the Consultancy as a significant task, and skillfully trained his staff in the special skills that were required of them.

Ken also played a significant role in Special Education where his leadership skills were outstandingly displayed in the way he led the extremely successful amalgamation of Northcott Special School and Jasper Rd Public School’s Special Education Unit. For this great achievement, he was awarded The Director General’s School Achievement Award for the Integration of the Physically Disabled.

Ken excelled in sport, having played First Grade cricket in the Hunter Valley Region. He also played five-eight in the President’s Cup team for Parramatta.

Ken was also an accomplished short distance runner and won money running professionally. For this, he was chosen as one of the Olympic torch bearers for the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games.

It then followed that at whichever school Ken was principal, sport played a very important part, where the school always developed a strong sporting reputation. His last school Jasper Rd, was a fine example of Ken’s overriding influence in this area.

Ken a great educator in the true sense, will be greatly missed by all who knew him, and on behalf of you all, I pass on our commiserations to his daughter Yvette, son Guy and their families.

Ken’s funeral will be held at Castlebrook Crematorium Rouse Hill, next Tuesday 3rd May at 3pm. All are invited to attend.

Special thanks To Chris Worthington our Welfare Officer and Member Peter Dawson for their assistance with preparing this Tribute


Tom Croker

President ARPP


Greg Prior

Dear colleagues

It is with great sadness that I write to let you know that our former Deputy Director-General, Schools, Greg Prior passed away on Saturday 10 September 2022 after a long battle with cancer.

For those of you who worked with Greg I know that you will have many fond memories – he was a good man with a good heart who worked tirelessly for the benefit of students and public education. He led through periods of enormous complexity without ever wavering from what was needed. He never flinched.

Greg commenced his career with the department in 1978 as a classroom teacher at Glenfield Public School and committed 39 years of service to our schools, communities and system, holding many roles across many geographical areas. He was valued by all who worked with him for his strategic leadership and passion for enhancing the life and learning outcomes of all students.

As the Deputy Director-General, Schools and then Deputy Secretary, School Operations and Performance, he had oversight of 2200 schools, and in his time was responsible for the implementation of many key educational reforms. For those who worked closely with Greg would know, he was a very humble and private man. Greg’s commitment to teaching and learning extended beyond the department reaching universities and industry partners, building strong foundations for all layers of our system. In 2014, Greg was recognised for this work and received the Southern Cross University Alumni award, becoming an Adjunct Professor.

Greg retired at the beginning of 2017 and his absence was felt by us all. He will always be remembered for his kindness, his support and his dedication to the students and staff in public education. This is a very sad time for our education family and our thoughts and prayers are with Mac and his family.


Murat Dizdar – Deputy Secretary, School Performance (South)

Vale Brian William Debus (1943-2022)


Dear Colleagues,

For those who may not be aware Brian Debus, a highly esteemed former Principal, friend and Colleague passed away last Thursday following a massive stroke during a visit with his family in Brisbane.

We were fortunate to have Brian join us at our Annual Christmas Lunch and he enjoyed the opportunity to meet with friends and colleagues.

The following Tribute to Brian has been coordinated by Andrew Stephenson, former Principal and close friend of Brian.

We extend our appreciation to all who have contributed with special thanks to his wife Trish and ARPP Executive member Geoff Scott.

Vale Brian William Debus (1943-2022)

Brian William Debus OAM, passed away peacefully on Thursday 13 January while spending Christmas with his family in Brisbane.

Brian was a unique character, many would say ‘one of a kind’ or ‘one in a million’. He remained a relentless and staunch advocate for public education, equality and social justice throughout his 50 years with the NSW Department of Education.

Born in Sydney in 1943, Brian attended Bankstown Central Public School and Punchbowl Boys High School. After completing his training at Newcastle Teachers College, he began his teaching career at Bankstown West Public School in 1962 at just 18 years of age.

 Brian’s love of rural and remote teaching began in 1965 when working at both Wanaaring Public School and Louth Public School.

Brian returned to Sydney as ‘Teacher in Charge’, to take on the challenge of Cooinda SSP in Fairfield. With no published curriculum or programs, his innovation and ingenuity became the keys to creating successful pathways for teenage boys with disabilities. Reward came at the end of four years with inspection and his first promotion. Brian was made Deputy Master at Henty Public School before attaining his first Principal appointment at Wamoon Public School, a two teacher school on the outskirts of Leeton in 1974.

Eager to lead a school with a high indigenous population, Brian sought and gained appointment to Wilcannia Central School in 1976. Brian worked passionately to expand the experiences of isolated students. He persuaded the NSW Department of Education to allow the school to buy a bus. This was a real breakthrough and thereafter opened the doors of opportunity and travel experience for all regional and remote NSW students.

Brian was the Principal of Narooma Public School from 1979 – 1990. In Narooma, he re-established a local theatre group which had been in recess for many years. This continued over twelve years and performances ran two or three times a year. He was a set designer, director and actor in various productions that were linked to HSC subjects.

In 1991, Brian was appointed Principal of Griffith Public School and remained there until retiring (the first time) in 2002. During this period, his school received three Director General Awards for Excellence in Community Engagement, Multicultural Activities and Community Integration.

After a brief retirement 2002 – 2005, Brian returned to education as Principal of Menindee Central School in 2005, a small K-12 school in Far West NSW. He remained there until 2013. During this tenure, his passion for indigenous education flourished. Working closely with the local aboriginal community, he co-developed a strategy to address attendance rates, build cultural affirmation, make learning significant and engaging, increase HSC completion and create career and educational pathways.


  • Griffith and Broken Hill PPC President, State Delegate and member, NSWPPA State Treasurer and Executive and NSWSPC Finance Committee delegate
  • Regional Chairman to review Performances in Schools, South Coast and Riverina
  • 2003 awarded Life Membership of the NSWPPA in recognition of his outstanding contributions to public education and the Association
  • 2009 awarded the O’Farrell Fellowship by NSW Department of Education and NSWPPA to study Indigenous Education in USA
  • 2010 founded what developed into the City Country Alliance of Schools (CCAS)
  • 2012 awarded the NSWPPA State Social Justice Award
  • 2016 honoured by the Australian College of Educators
  • NSWPPA Professional Award for significant contribution to the Professional Development of colleague Principals at the School, Area and State level
  • Awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the 2021 Queen’s Birthday Honours for his outstanding service and work with the Menindee community
  • 2017 – current, selected by Australia Day Council (NSW) to be an annual Australia Day Ambassador

Brian was politically savvy and relentlessly persistent in fighting for policy change, funding support and building partnerships that could address inequity. His tenacity usually won out, and students, teachers and principals were inevitably the beneficiaries. An ideas man, Brian modelled to school communities and associations to ‘dream big’ and to keep ‘thinking outside the box’. He was a champion of making a difference!

A great friend and colleague to many, many people, Brian will be sadly missed by all.

Brian is survived by Tricia, their children Sasha and Tara, and grandchildren, Oskar, Hugo and Iris.

Due to the current COVID circumstances, the family have undertaken a private cremation and will look to coordinate a memorial service later in 2022.

RIP Brian.

On Behalf of

ARPP Executive Committee



Colleagues & Friends,

It is with deep sadness we advise you of the passing of colleague Peter Stretton aged 80 years on Tuesday evening 14 September, after a long fight against cancer and Alzheimer’s.

During his career Peter taught at several schools including Lalor Park PS and as Deputy Master at Fairvale PS. His first principalship was at Hunters Hill PS from where he was appointed to be principal of St Johns Park PS, a position he held for some 18 years prior to his retirement. Murray Hamer came to know Peter professionally and personally, during the time Peter was Principal at St John’s Park PS and Murray was Principal at Governor Philip King PS.

Peter was a highly regarded principal, renowned for his practical approach and was once described as a ‘playground principal’.

Peter was a very talented sportsman, excelling at Platform Diving, Tennis, and Golf. He went on to become the Captain of the North Ryde Golf Club, a position he held for several years. We’re informed that his golfing handicap was under 10.

Peter was also a very skilful boxer and had the distinction of boxing on the undercard at a Jimmy Caruthers Championship Fight.

On his retirement to live at Breakfast Point, Peter became very involved with the establishment of the BP Men’s Shed, and held the position of Assistant Social Secretary, Tennis captain and Editor of the Members Newsletter. Michael Bracks a member of the Breakfast Point Men’s Shed and a personal friend of Peter has forwarded comments from his daughter-in-law Anne Stretton, pertaining to Peter, which in part states: The world lost a truly remarkable man I called Dad. He was my first boss, my Dad, my Poppy to my kids, and my all-time favourite person in the world”

Bruce Morton also a close friend of Peter and a member of the BP Men’s Shed, said that Peter was ‘the life of the party’ among the BP Men’s Shed members. He had a great sense of humour and was a wonderful raconteur. Understandably, his presence will be sadly missed by all.

Peter was regarded by all as a good and likeable bloke, who doted on his 3 sons and grandchildren and who had a wonderful relationship with his partner Nerida Moloney

Nerida, Peter’s long-time carer, was very caring and kind towards Peter, during their long partnership together, attending to all his needs at home, and later on, following his admission to a nursing home in Concord, prior to his passing. Our thoughts and sympathies go out to Nerida, and to his family and friends, on what would be a very sad occasion for them.

We have been advised that Pete’s Farewell Service will be held on Thursday 23 September at 10.25am.

Due to COVID 19 the Service will be livestreamed with the Link details provided below.

Rest In Peace, Peter

Tom Croker   ARPP President

Our special thanks to Chris Worthington, ARPP Welfare Officer, his close friends Murray Hamer, Ian Morey, Michael Bracks & Bruce Morton for their assistance in preparing this Tribute to Peter.

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Peter Vincent Stretton

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It is with great sadness that we pass onto you, the news of the death of our colleague Phil Nash. Phil’s last appointment was Principal of Caddies Creek Public School, Glenwood.

Phil Walker, retired principal of Kings Langley P.S. and one of Phil’s long-standing best mates, spoke glowingly in his eulogy, of Phil’s outstanding service to students and teachers. Phil Walker also mentioned Phil’s extensive involvement over many years in PSSA sport, and his outstanding leadership as a school principal.

A sentiment, expressed by Bob Hahn, and shared by all of Phil’s friends was,“We have lost a wonderful human being”

One of Phil’s three daughters Emily, when writing of his passing, best expresses the mutual love of his family including her two sisters Mel and Laura, and the respect of all those who had dealings with him.

“It is with shattered hearts that we let you know that Dad’s sudden passing has left us absolutely devastated at losing such a wonderful man at only 66 years young. Dad led a life full of service to others and had a kind, gentle and selfless soul.

He was empathetic and regularly put enormous effort into supporting those closest to him. With great love comes great pain. We are heart broken. We would love you all to support us, and celebrate his amazing life”


Supplied by

Chris Worthington and Ian Feneley

Hi Arpparians,

Chris Worthington has advised me that John Farnsworth passed away on Wednesday following a chronic respiratory issue which hehas been suffering over the past few months.
For those who may remember John he was a great educational leader and a man of utmost integrity. A former Western Sydney Regional Director, he will be sorely missed by those who knew him. It should also be noted that Reg Pollock ,who at the time was John’s Deputy Director, also passed away recently.
Funeral arrangement are underway but ofcourse due to the COVID 19 virus only family members may attend.
Chris has passed onto John’s wife Jill and family our deepest sympathies and condolences.
May he rest in peace.
Tom Croker
ARPP President
Hi Everyone,
I hope this finds you well and keeping strong during the coronavirus crisis.
For those of you who may not be aware Reg Pollock, former Director of Western Sydney Region, passed away on 13 April 2020.
Reg was a highly dedicated educator and highly regarded by all who knew him for his commitment to children, schools and teachers across the region.
His enthusiasm and energy and positive encouragement influenced many teachers and students in the Sydney West Region.
Following his departure from the department he became involved in various organisation supporting the community. and young people.
Reg was 83 years old and is survived by his Wife Heather and their three children Bromwen, Karen, Geoff.and his grandchildren.
I have passed on our deepest sympathies and condolences to his wife Heather and her family.
Rest in peace, Reg.
Tom Croker
ARPP President

Dear Arrparians’,

It is with deep sadness that we advise you of the passing of member John Dawson.
John was a strong supporter of ARPP and a regular attendee of our lunch and special events. He recently moved to live in Hampton, Queensland.
John passed away at his Hampton home, on Thursday 22 April following a heart attack.
John worked in schools in the Mt Druitt area, as Deputy Principal at Winston Hills PS, Principal of Annandale North PS and Samual Gilbert Ps from where he retired.
Details of his funeral service are not yet available.
Our thoughts and sympathies go to his wife Florence,  his daughters and family members during this difficult time at the loss of John
RIP John
Tom Croker
ARPP President
for the ARPP Executive Team

Vale Barry Hubbard

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing, of one of our esteemed colleagues Barry Hubbard, at the age of 90 years. Barry attended Wagga Teachers College 1949-1950 and following graduation, was stationed at the following schools Viz:-

  • Bunaloo
  • Tumbarumba
  • Luddenham (Principal)
  • Castlereagh (Principal)
  • Bringelly (Principal)
  • Orchard Hills (Principal) from where he retired.

Our Welfare Officer Chris Worthington who knew Barry well and who preceded him as Principal at Bringelly Public School (1969-71), said as Principal of the adjoining school Luddenham, Barry was of great assistance to him as a first-time-out principal, and he’ll be forever grateful to him for that.

Apart from being a good educator, Barry was also a competent sportsman. He was involved in many community activities in the Penrith area where he was very popular and held in high esteem. He also served on the Board of the Penrith Panthers for a number of years.

Unfortunately, Barry’s health deteriorated over the past 5yrs. His wife Betty, with whom he was very attached, predeceased him some years ago. He will be greatly missed.

Barry’s funeral will be held tomorrow Wednesday 26th May at the Penrith Presbyterian Church, 9 Doonmore St Penrith, commencing at 11am. Following the funeral service, a gathering will be held at the Penrith Panthers, commencing at 1pm to celebrate Barry’s life.

Sorry for the short notice but Chris Worthington only learnt of Barry’s passing this morning.


Tom Croker

President ARPP

Fellow Arparrians,

It is my sad duty to advise you that John McMillan,Past President of NSWPPA and Past President of ARPP passed away yesterday, 13 September after a long battle with cancer.
John was renowned as an ambassador and warrior for Public Education and held several senior leadership positions in Principal organisations for over 30 years.
THese roles included: Regional President of the Metropolitan South West Primary Principals’ Council in the early 1990s, NSW Delegate on the National Council of of both the Australian Primary Principals’ Association(APPA) and the Australian Government Primary Principals (AGPPA), member of the NSWPPA State Executive as Deputy President and President for two terms of office from 1999 – 2003.
A man of great strength and commitment, John always gave 100% to anything with which he was involved. During his leadership he fought for primary schools, students and colleague principals, to the highest level.John never backed down in his advocacy, called a spade a spade and called out hypocrisy for what it was.He continued to make strong contributions after his retirement, supervising undergraduates at the University of Newcastle and insightful contributions to the NSWPPA as Past President.
In 2005 he was instrumental in establishing the Association of Retired Primary Principals (ARPP) and held the position of President until 2016. He was honoured with Life membership of ARPP in 2017.
He began his career as a teacher in the 1960s after completing his training at Wollongong Teachers College. He served as principal of several schools including Portland Central, Cabramatta and Denistone East from where he retired.He gained his BA 7 MA Admin at the UNE.
In 2004 John was awarded Life Membership of the NSWPPA in recognition of his outstanding contributions to public education and the Association. He received an ACE Fellowship and was recognised by the NSW Government and Department of Education with the Meritorious Service Public Education & Training Medal.He was a staunch supporter of Stewart House and served as a member on the Friends of Stewart House Executive Committee.
Mac or Johnny Mac, as he was affectionately known, was always concerned with the individuals in the profession and took a strong interest in their wellbeing.
In addition to his professional leadership side, he will long be remembered for his sense of collegiality and conviviality AS a good bloke, friend and colleague to many, many people.
John is survived by his wife Margaret, their children Alister, Robert and Jane and grandchildren Francis and Astrid.
John’s funeral will be held at 11.00am on Thursday 17 September at Eastern Suburbs Memorial Park (South Chapel), Military Road, Matraville. Food & drinks will be provided afterwards for an hour and a half at the Celeste Function Centre at the same site.
The family has advised that due to the COVID 19 Restrictions, 50 people are allowed inside the Chapel and 50 people outside. A Live Stream LINK will be available. Details of which to be provided later.
A big thank you to the Executive and good friend Geoff Scott for helping with the advice for the Notice.
Tom Croker, President
& ARPP Executive.
Hi Apparian’s,
It is with great sadness that I advise you of the passing of our good friend and colleague, Colin Labrie.
Colin passed away this week after suffering a number of long term illnesses over recent years.
During his career he taught at Carlingford West PS, as Deputy (with Reg Pollock) at Merrylands PS and Principal at Parramatta East from where he retired.
Colin was a tireless worker for principals and schools and served on the Met West Principals Council Executive and in his capacity as 1`Treasurer of the NSWPPA from 1995-6.
During the 1970′ Colin took on the role of Teachers Federation Organiser to support teachers and schools. In retirement he became the inaugural Secretary of our Retired principals Association and served in that position for many years.
In 2002 he was awarded Life membership of the NSWPPA in recognition of his contributions to the service of principals.
Colin was a passionate Parramatta Eels supporter (a very skilled player himself) and a recognised connoisseur of wine with an amazing wine cellar, the envy of all wine lovers.
Colin will be remembered as a great character of his time and highly regarded as a good man.
Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.
Rest in peace, Colin.
Details of a funeral service are yet to be released.
With deep sorrow
Tom Croker
President ARPP
for the Executive


  1. Colleagues we would now like to take a few moments to pay tribute to our dear friend and colleague Brian Powyer following his sudden passing on 12 November.
  2. For those of you able to attend, we farewelled Brian on 19 November at which several hundred friends and colleagues were privileged to be part of the celebration of the life of an amazing person.
  1. Brian was indeed an incredible person who enjoyed a wonderful career in education and through his extensive community interests including becoming President of the national Trust.

Many of us worked, laughed and shared a wonderful friendship with Brian since meeting him in the early 1990’s.

  1. Brian attended Bathurst High School and during his youth became a very accomplished hockey and tennis player. This was highlighted by playing mixed doubles with Evonne Goolagong and defeating John Alexander in a Junior Doubles Ch/p.
  2. Brian completed his teacher training at Wagga Wagga and his first appointment was to Granville Central in 1968 where he met Ian Roberts and Lorenza whom he married shortly after.
  3. Brian’s served as principal of several schools. His first principalship was at Hoxton Park in 1980, a DSP school at which Brian strived to provide important support for his students. This was then followed by appointments to Busby West, West Ryde and then to his final school at Winston Hills PS.
  4. Our Association involvements began when Brian became Secretary of the PPA a position he held from 1993 to 1998. That was an amazing period for our Association and Brian was very involved in our re organisation of the PPA following the KGB Restructure.

He then became the Deputy President and Webmaster serving in that capacity until 2002.

Brian was never regarded as someone who ever arrived early for many of our meetings. Quite often we would call him to see where he was and would be given the same stock answer “I am stuck on Victoria Road!” regardless of where the meeting was being held.

Apparently, son Nathan once said to his dad: ”why is it dad that we always seem to be leaving at the time we are supposed to be arriving”.

  1. During his time at Winston Hills, apart from being heavily involved in many organisations he took on the role for a brief period as Relieving District Director. His wealth of knowledge & experience was very appreciated & valued by his colleagues.
  2. In 2003 Brian became an Assistant Director in the DET working with Middle Schooling & the Curriculum Directorate. During that period he also worked as the Professional Assistant to DDG Jan McCelland before retiring in 2007.
  • I should also add that Brian became a Fellow of ACEL and ACE.
  • Following his final retirement Brian became a member of ARPP and in the mid 2000’s took on the role of Secretary, a position he held until his passing.

In that capacity he became the keeper of our Website & data base and communications to our members.

  • Brian also answered the call to help with the management of FOSH (Friends of Stewart House) and joined the Executive Committee. He, as always, became quite involved and organised his “TALKS & WALKS” to assist with our fund raising for Stewart House. The Governor Phillip and Parramatta history Walks were outstanding, and his knowledge of Colonial history was extraordinary.
  • While all of this was going on in Brian’s amazing schedule, in 2008 he became involved in the Institute of Chief Educators (ISEA) and the Institute of Retired CEO’s.

I also recall Brian becoming an Ambassador for Public Education.

  • To sum up, Brian seemed to combine a great intellect with invaluable experience and understanding – a powerful combination even more so when he used it to support others.


TOAST: Please join with me in moving a TOAST to the memory of our amazing friend Brian.

Hi Everyone,
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Bob Hince early last Saturday morning.
Our condolences go out to Bob’s wife Judy and three sons Brendan, Bradley and Nathan.
Bob was regarded as one of the most accomplished and innovative teachers. He was also a great bloke who had great rapport with both staff and students.
Our Welfare Officer, Chris Worthington, visited Bob some weeks ago and although his health was in rapid decline he put on his old cheery self.
Bob taught at many schools including Madang Ave as DP2, Tregear as DP1 and as principal at a number of schools including Auburn and Berala.
He did time as a DSP Consultant and served on the Met West Primary Principals Council as President from 1990-1991.
He was acknowledged as a highly accomplished public speaker (was a member of Toastmasters) who presented to many Conferences in Australia and New Zealand.
His humorous motivational presentation called “The Psychologist” will long be remembered.
Bob’s funeral will be held on Wednesday 7 April at 1.30pm at St Paul the Apostle Church, 40 Buckleys Road, Winston Hills.
A Wake will follow at the Winston Hills Hotel,Cnr Junction Road and Caroline Chisholm Drive.
Rest in Peace Bob.
A special thank you to members Chris Worthington, Geoff Scott, Kevin Flynn, Nev Mison, Graham Hayton and Maurie Bird for their thoughts on Bob’s life and outstanding career.
Stay well Everyone,
Tom Croker
ARPP President


It is with great sadness that I have learnt from our Welfare Officer Chris Worthington of the passing on 4th June, of our well-known colleague Peter Rogers, at the age of 94 years, after a prolonged illness.

Peter graduated from Sydney Teachers’ College in 1949 after having been employed in the Dept. Motor Transport and having served as an ex-serviceman during the Second World War. In 1955, he graduated with a Diploma in Physical Education.

During his teaching career, Peter taught at the following schools viz:

  • Putney PS 1950-52, Assistant Teacher
  • Marrickville PS 1953-55, Assistant Teacher
  • Auburn PS 1956-58, Assistant Teacher
  • Ryde East PS 1959-61, Assistant Teacher
  • Regional Office as Sports Organiser, 1962-65
  • Roselea Public School DP, 1966-67
  • Mayvilla Child Welfare School, Principal 1968-1971
  • Niland SSP School, Principal 1972-75
  • Blacktown West PS, Principal 1975-1986–from where he retired

During his teaching career and as Sports Organiser for Met West Region, Peter played a very large and important part in Met West PSSA activities in conjunction with the Parramatta District Leagues Club, where he was President from 1982-87. During his association with the Leagues Club, schools in the Met West Region benefited greatly from donations of sporting gear and tuition for young players.

We offer our condolences to Monica his wife of 68 years and to her children namely Lesley & Michael, their partners, their Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren and to Peter’s nephews Paul, Pat, Peter and John. Sadly, Peter and Monica’s son Billy, passed away in 1974.

Peter’s funeral will be held at St Kevin’s Catholic Church 36 Hillview Rd Eastwood, this coming Friday 11th June 2021, commencing at 10am.


Tom Croker


Vale Barry Hubbard

It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing, of one of our esteemed colleagues Barry Hubbard, at the age of 90 years. Barry attended Wagga Teachers College 1949-1950 and following graduation, was stationed at the following schools Viz:-

  • Bunaloo
  • Tumbarumba
  • Luddenham (Principal)
  • Castlereagh (Principal)
  • Bringelly (Principal)
  • Orchard Hills (Principal) from where he retired.

Our Welfare Officer Chris Worthington who knew Barry well and who preceded him as Principal at Bringelly Public School (1969-71), said as Principal of the adjoining school Luddenham, Barry was of great assistance to him as a first-time-out principal, and he’ll be forever grateful to him for that.

Apart from being a good educator, Barry was also a competent sportsman. He was involved in many community activities in the Penrith area where he was very popular and held in high esteem. He also served on the Board of the Penrith Panthers for a number of years.

Unfortunately, Barry’s health deteriorated over the past 5yrs. His wife Betty, with whom he was very attached, predeceased him some years ago. He will be greatly missed.

Barry’s funeral will be held tomorrow Wednesday 26th May at the Penrith Presbyterian Church, 9 Doonmore St Penrith, commencing at 11am. Following the funeral service, a gathering will be held at the Penrith Panthers, commencing at 1pm to celebrate Barry’s life.

Sorry for the short notice but Chris Worthington only learnt of Barry’s passing this morning.


Tom Croker

President ARPP

Paul Greer

Dear All,

For those who may not have heard our dear friend and colleague, Paul Greer passed away last Friday after losing his battle with motor neurone disease.

Catherine Schmich & Janice Cherubini provided the following tribute:

“Today I bring the sad news that Paul Greer died quietly at home last Friday 30 May, 2021. Our thoughts go to his wife Clare, sons David, Simon, Michael and John, their partners and Paul’s grandchildren.

He will be missed by many both personally and for his outstanding career, some details of which follow:

Paul attended Wollongong Teachers College and upon graduation was appointed to Windang PS with his wife Clare. After some time in consultancy, Paul was appointed to Bradbury PS, followed by Barren Central School. He returned to Bradbury PS as Deputy Principal and from there was appointed as Principal at Albion Park PS and then Albion Park Rail PS. His last promotion was as School Education Director at Queanbeyan which he remained till his retirement in 2009 (or 2010).

Paul’s Funeral Service will be held at Hansen and Cole, Kembla Grange on Friday 14 May, at 12pm. Following on from the funeral there will be an informal gathering at the German Club (to be confirmed), next to Hansen and Cole.”

Many colleagues have provided their deepest sympathies and recall the significant contributions he made to so many students, teachers and educators.

Paul also served on the NSWPPA as a delegate and Executive member with distinction.

A very highly regarded professional and a good man.

RIP Paul

Tom Croker

ARPP President

for ARPP Executive

John Dawson

Dear Arrparians,

It is with deep sadness that we advise you of the passing of member John Dawson.
John was a strong supporter of ARPP and a regular attendee of our lunch and special events. He recently moved to live in Hampton, Queensland.
John passed away at his Hampton home, on Thursday 22 April following a heart attack.
John worked in schools in the Mt Druitt area, as Deputy Principal at Winston Hills PS, Principal of Annandale North PS and Samual Gilbert Ps from where he retired.
Details of his funeral service are not yet available.
Our thoughts and sympathies go to his wife Florence,  his daughters and family members during this difficult time at the loss of John
RIP John
Tom Croker
ARPP President
for the ARPP Executive Team
Hi Everyone,
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Bob Hince early last Saturday morning.
Our condolences go out to Bob’s wife Judy and three sons Brendan, Bradley and Nathan.
Bob was regarded as one of the most accomplished and innovative teachers. He was also a great bloke who had great rapport with both staff and students.
Our Welfare Officer, Chris Worthington, visited Bob some weeks ago and although his health was in rapid decline he put on his old cheery self.
Bob taught at many schools including Madang Ave as DP2, Tregear as DP1 and as principal at a number of schools including Auburn and Berala.
He did time as a DSP Consultant and served on the Met West Primary Principals Council as President from 1990-1991.
He was acknowledged as a highly accomplished public speaker (was a member of Toastmasters) who presented to many Conferences in Australia and New Zealand.
His humorous motivational presentation called “The Psychologist” will long be remembered.
Bob’s funeral will be held on Wednesday 7 April at 1.30pm at St Paul the Apostle Church, 40 Buckleys Road, Winston Hills.
A Wake will follow at the Winston Hills Hotel,Cnr Junction Road and Caroline Chisholm Drive.
Rest in Peace Bob.
A special thank you to members Chris Worthington, Geoff Scott, Kevin Flynn, Nev Mison, Graham Hayton and Maurie Bird for their thoughts on Bob’s life and outstanding career.
Stay well Everyone,
Tom Croker
ARPP President