EXECUTIVE REPORT for MAY 2021 NEWSLETTER                        

Welcome one and all to our latest Newsletter for 2021. While the restrictions have been eased and we are now into receiving the Vaccines and flu shots we still need to be on guard and follow the requirements for living in a COVID 19 safe world for some time We continue to be amazed at the wonderful work of our health workers and volunteer services as they endeavour to maintain a safe environment for all Australians.

It was great to be able to hold two events for this year with our April Sydney Rowing Club Luncheon on 3 March and the recent Annual Golf Day on 23 April at Massey Park. See reports below.

Our Kirribilli Lunch Reminder: Takes place on Thursday 3 June starting at 1.30pm. We can meet for drinks from 12.30pm. Cost is $45 for ARPP Members and $60 for Non- Members. This provides for a 2 Course lunch and wine with lunch. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent to:

Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Ave Wagstaffe 2257 OR by Bank Transfer to BSB 062668 Account No 10152151

Account name is ARPP.

When sending your payment please also advise Maurie Bird of your attendance by email at maubird@ozemail.com.au or by phone on 0434148141. Payment and advice need to be completed by Thursday 27 May.



Thank you to those members who have paid their 2021 fees. As anticipated the effect of COVID 19 and the lack of events has limited the payments and we currently only have 50% of our regular members financial.

To that end we have extended the final payment date to 30 June to enable all unfinancial members to renew.

As a reminder:



The Annual Sub is $50.00, which provides a discount for each function, puts wine on the table and keeps everyone in touch. For those of you who are yet to pay you can pay at any function or by Direct Deposit to the ARPP Account BSB 062668 Ac No 10152151 or by cheque to ARPP C/- Noel West, 62 Wagstaffe Ave Wagstaffe 2257

NON- METROPOLITAN – Outside of Newcastle, Greater Sydney and Illawarra Regions

The Annual Fee is $30.00, and payments can be made by Bank Transfer or Cheque as detailed above.


Keep in mind that one of the best ways to increase our membership is through members promoting our Group to other retirees & friends and bringing them along as guests to our events (special members rate).




The development of our upgraded Website has progressed and our Webmaster, Aman Yadav, has advised that the site is now up and running.  The site will be more responsive to the various needs of our members and focus on aspects such as Managing Retirement, Keeping in Touch, Retirement Options, Working in Retirement, staying Up to date and news around Tours & Travel.

We are in the process of developing information for the various Topics, and we look forward to member contributions as the site becomes available in the form of stories and reflections.

The new site domain name is rppa.com.au and the access password will be provided to members as they become financial.



Sydney Rowing Club Lunch 3 March 2021

There was smaller than attendance impacted by the Covid 19 requirements and caution with travelling to group events. Those attending had an enjoyable get together. Graham Hayton’s outstanding contribution as  the outgoing Treasurer for so many years was acknowledged. 

The dates and venues planned for our future City based Luncheons we continue working towards are:

·      Thursday 3 June at Kirribilli Club  

·      Wednesday 1st September at Emperors Garden

·      Thursday 2nd December at the Epping Club


As you would understand all of our events are subject to the health requirements and abiding by the restrictions that are in place regarding numbers able to attend.

Non-Metropolitan Lunch Outings:

Newcastle Lunch – Planning is underway for this to be held in July in Adamstown. Organiser Brian Collins to provide further details regarding arrangements.

We live in  hope that we will be able to support lunches planned for other centres on  Central Coast (Woy Woy) and South Coast (Dapto or Kiama). Dates will be advised as they come to hand.  

Visits to regional areas are still under consideration for the North Coast (Yamba) and either Bathurst/Orange or Mudgee subject to the COVID 19 Heath restrictions and requirements.  

These occasions enable us to meet up with many of our country retired colleagues not previously involved in Association activities. 



The 2021 ARPP Golf day was held at Massey Park Golf Club on 23 April. Those who played had an enjoyable day. The ARPP Trophy was won by Graham Hayton who was the host of our first event at castle Hill some 13 years ago. Runner-Up in the Singles event was Peter Shuttleworth. The 2BB Event was won by Geoff Scott and Michael Glenday with Peter Shuttleworth and Tom Croker in the runner Up position. The Nearest the Pin competition was won by Alan Laughlin.

A big thank you to Maurie Bird for organizing the event.



Members and friends have reported the following sad news which we have provided through Notices to the membership.

VALE: Bob Hince      – Former principal of Auburn & Berala PS. Passed away on 27 March.

              John Dawson – Former principal of Samuel Gilbert PS. Passed away on 22 April.

              Paul Greer     –  Former principal of Albion Park Rail PS. Passed away on 30 April.


The deepest sympathies of all members have been extended to all families.



Peter Stretton – Former Principal St Johns Park PS

Mark Hagan  –  Former Principal Greenway Park PS


PLEASE LET US KNOW of any members or former colleagues who are ill and have major health issues.

Contact our Welfare Officer, Chris Worthington on 0414 603 603 (Phone or text) so that we can contact the person.

STEWART HOUSE  We continue to support Stewart House especially as it emerges from the COVID19 lockdown. Stewart House has resumed taking in students with a modified 5 Day Program and restricted number of up to 20 students per session which will progressively increase during the year.

COVID 19 has caused a huge drop off in support from teachers and schools. Such funds are critical to for the operation of Stewart House and there is a need for a major drive to ensure such support is ongoing to maintain Stewart House.

A Special PowerPoint message has been sent to all Primary & Secondary Principals through the NSWPPA & NSWSPC seeking their support. In addition, a message has been sent out in School Biz to all schools.


At this stage due to COVID 19 there have been no activities held for FOSH (Friends of Stewart House) during 2021. Planning is underway to hold the AGM in June, pending arranging a suitable venue. A big thank you to those who have renewed or become members. It is important for people to continue with their membership so that we can continue to provide financial support to Stewart House.

The Fees are $20 for 1 Year or $50 for 3 years and Payments can be made by: Direct Deposit to Teachers Mutual Bank BSB 812 170 Acc 263444 in the name of ‘Friends of Stewart House’ OR  by cheque made payable to ‘Friends of Stewart House’ and sent to Assistant Treasurer Robyn Graham PO Box 32 Miller 2168



Please note the new Executive Committee for 2021elected in February as previously reported.


President:                                Tom Croker

Vice Presidents:                      Heather Causley & Rick Riddle

Secretary:                                Kerryanne Knox        

Treasurer:                                Noel West

Events Organiser:                    Maurie Bird

Welfare Contact:                     Chris Worthington

Committee Members:

Ray Gentles, Jackie Malecki, Geoff Scott & Graham Hayton


NSWPPA – State Council

Interesting matters arising at the last State Council Meeting:

·      Murat Dizdar ( Deputy Secretary) one of the few remaining Senior Executive with a school education background

·      School Performance – Phonics Targets 2022

·      Prof Support being provided that is targeted, guided, with universal resources based on school need & data

·      Workload effect on Principals  – Riley Report -stress, difficult parents

·      Consistency of DEL’s  – raising issues

·      Focus on promoting best Principals into DEL positions

·      New Curriculum Roll Out – aggressive timetable

·      Rural Ed – commitment to enhance – New Exec/Remote Ex Director -unit to be located in a rural area

·      Support for Reading & Numeracy – Resources Hub K-12 – Prof learning packages

·      Ongoing COVID Program Support

·      Announcement of departure of Secretary Mark Scott at the end of April – Deputy Sec Georgina  Harrison to be Acting Secretary till vacancy has been filled


** We were also advised that PPA Vice President, Trish Peters, will be the Executive Contact to ARPP.

     Trish is Principal of Kincumber PS.



We continue to search for recent retirees and to encourage them to join with us as new members in our Association. We will be reaching out through the Principals’ Networks for the opportunity to identify future,

(and past) retirees enabling us to make contact and suggest that they join our Association. Whilst we realize that many retirees live outside of the Sydney area, we would like to keep as many retired principals as possible in contact, if only to provide news of what is happening through email and to maintain a communication network around the state. We are expanding opportunities for our retirees and although it has always been primarily, a social connection, we are looking for other ways to engage our colleagues.

We seek your support in promoting our organisation as a strong advocate for our schools, Leaders & NSWPPA and a continuing voice for public education. ARPP was established to provide an avenue for retirees to keep in touch and to be able to meet and share their life in retirement. While many of our members take on roles in a variety of organizations there are many who find the transition more difficult.

Our events, newsletters and website provide news and a communication around the state. All retirees whether they are metropolitan, or country can be involved through the various groups as they meet during the year. If there is anyone whom you would like to contact, please inform Kerryanne Knox on kknox@bigpond.com or President Tom on mtcroker@bigpond.net.au 

Keep well, stay safe & enjoy the good life.


Tom Croker





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