Dear Members,

Please accept this  update of recent matters.


Following a review of  the ARPP Constitution we now need to make changes relating to various matters including the timing of the collection of Membership Fees and the timeline for the holding of Executive Committee Elections.

We will arrange for an online proposal for the Motions that are required for making changes to the Constitution. Such changes are necessary to enable the elections and collection of membership Fees to occur from the beginning of the calendar year rather than Mid Year.

The Motions will be sent out to all current financial members at the beginning of next year.

The current Constitution is on our Association ARPP Website


We are able to announce that Graham Hayton has been selected to be the new Returning Officer with Graham Roberts to be the Assistant Officer.

Our special thanks to Denis Suttling, who has stepped down from the role, for his wonderful support over the past few years.


This was a wonderful occasion with 58 members, colleagues and guests attending the lunch held at the Epping Club on 1st December.

Joining us as special guests were Robyn Evans (NSWPPA President), Barry Johnson (Chairman Board of Stewart House), Phil Canmbell (Campbell Financial), our sponsor and Therese Ardler, a highly regarded  Academic and Abiriginal Elder.

During the lunch we conducted a very successful Stewart House raffle raising $1,2016.00 to support the operation of Stewart House, our Charity of Choice.

A big thank you to all who donated gifts as prizes.

The day also featured our traditional Kris Kringle as part of the occasion

Special thanks to all of the Executive Committee for their assistance with the day and especially Events Coordinator Maurie Bird, Treasurer Noel West, Secretary Kerryanne Knox and Vice President Heather Causley for organising the raffle.


Dates for the 2023 Metropolitan Lunch Meetings have been set with the first to be held on 2nd March at the Kirribilli Club

Other venues and dates to be confirmed and to be published in the next Newsletter Jan/Feb 2023


This will be held on Friday 2nd June.

Full details to be provide early in the new year by our Coordinator Ray Gentles


We will be working with our new Area/Region Contacts to arrange for Lunch Meetings during the year.

A big thank you to those members who have accepted the role of Area Contact:

Brian Collins (Hunter), Suzie Smith & John Salt (South Coast), Vicki Harris (Riverina), Bruce Roberts (Central West) & Geoff Buckland & Noel West (Central Coast).

We continue to look for a member to take on the role in the Blue Mountains, the Mid North Coast. & North Coast.


Secretary Kerryanne Knox has provided this tribute following the passing of former Director- General Bob Winder.

I had the privilege of meeting with Bob when I first became involved with the NSW Primary Council back in 1986. He was a wonderful educational leader and a great ambassador for public education

“I feel like this information is part of a milestone in my own history as I can remember vividly receiving information signed “Bob Winder” many many times in my teaching career. I am sad to inform you that another one of our education family has died. As his family simply said in his death notice “respected educator and administrator.”

 Bob recently passed away and was privately cremated so there was no chance for colleagues to bid farewell. We can all raise a glass to Bob at our next meeting or gathering…a fitting reason for a round of drinks!

 Geoff Baldwin and Alan Laughlin provided some stories and history……Robert Winder, born in 1930 entered the Department of Education in 1948 and despite being a good teacher, was getting a reputation as a highly organised young man.

 If I mention names such as Doug Swan and Bill Nay, Bob worked at the same time as a senior administrator. In fact, some people will remember him as “Doug Swan’s right hand man”.

Although appointed as a Director-General, it was a very short time in office as the Government changed and Terry Metherell breezed in with the untimely goodbye to Bob. Bob retired and went to live in Terrigal and enjoyed the Central Coast life.

Just remember Bob and his service to education and give thanks that public education had the experience of a great educator and administrator . Time to rest now Bob…..your service to students is recognised.”


Attached are recent articles relating promotion of the funding support for our Public Schools provided by Trevor Cobbold, Save Our Schools National Convenor and an article in the Guardian relating to elitism and inequality in funding of our schools


Our best wishes go out to all of our members and friends who are unwell or recovering from medical procedures.

In particular we have Secretary Kerryanne Knox (knee operation), Events Manager Maurie Bird (shoulder injury) and member Malcolm Sandstrom (injury fall)

No doubt we have several members who are also in recovery from a bout of COVID and we wish them all a speedy and safe recovery.

THANK YOU members for your support and involvement in our various events during 2022. Without your participation our Association would not be able to function and provide the opportunity for colleagues to meet and network as part of our retirement.

May we take the opportunity to wish you a very happy and safe festive season and we look forward to meeting up in the new year.

The executive Committee

Association of Retired Primary Principals

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