Hi Members,
Hope this Update finds you well and safe as we approach the end of the 2022 year.
This Edition contains:
- Report on the APPA/NSWPPA Conference
- ARPP XMAS Lunch Reminder
- 2023 membership Renewal advice
- A Research Study of Retired Principals – note the Attachments
- A Year in Photographs attached
This was held last week and was a resounding success. I had the opportunity to attend several sessions and was very impressed by the quality of speakers and especially the wonderful student performances.
It was undoubtedly a tremendous experience for the 740 delegates from NSW and across Australia.
The Life members Day was a great success as we welcomed 41 Life members to a gathering with the PPA Executive followed by a special lunch provided by the NSWPPA.It was very special to have Barry McConville the 1993 Life Member recipient as the longest serving Life Member in attendance
The organising Conference Committee is to be congratulated on an amazing effort which is all the more significant as NSW is the only State that organises their own Conference unlike the other States that engage professional Conference Organisers.
We congratulate and welcome the new LIfe Members:
Brent Kunkler, NarelleHunt, Kerry Barker, Andrew Pryor, Ian Reeson and Lyn Davis. It should be noted that Lyn Davis and LM Graeme Dixon are the first couple to be Life Members.
We hope they will in due course become members of our Association.
Other Awards recognised at the Ceremony were:
Distinguished Service Award – Judi Albans,Virginia Latta & Greg Grinham
Professional Award – Trish Peters & Drew Janetzki
Aboriginal Education Award – Paul Byrne & Owen Dalkeith
Social Justice & Equity Award – Helen Craigie
Fellowship – Michael Burgess & Bek Zadow
Congratulations also to the newly elected 2023-4 PPA Executive to be led again by President Robyn Evans.. We wish them well in their endeavours to support schools as they confront the many challenges, demands and pressure to perform at their highest level.
The ARPP Christmas Lunch for 2022 will be held at The Epping Club, 45-47 Rawson Street, Epping on Thursday, 1st December at 12.30pm.
Our lunch will be in The Grand Ballrooms 3 and 4. The 12.30pm start is earlier than our usual 1pm lunches to cater for the canapes and pre-dinner drinks, the 3-course lunch, the gift giving and the Stewart House raffle draw. We hope it will enable all colleagues, especially those who have travelled long distances, to enjoy the full lunch experience. We will also be able to meet for drinks in the 45 on Rawson Bar from 11.30am.
Costs and Inclusions
Cost for ARPP members will be $70.00 ($85.00 for non-members). We are able to keep our costs as low as possible because of the support of Campbell Financial and the payment of annual fees by ARPP members. The cost includes canapes with pre-dinner drinks (selection of champagne, beer, soft drinks, orange juice and iced water), a three-course lunch, wine with lunch and tea/coffee. This lunch will be a pre-pay event.
(If any special dietary requirements are required, please advise when responding).
There will be some limited parking at the Club. To use the club carpark, press the buzzer and advise attendance at the Retired Principals’ Lunch. If club parking becomes unavailable, parking in nearby Chesterfield Road or Chelmsford Avenue is recommended. Alternatively, there is a free Council Carpark located on Rawson Street (Time restrictions may apply).
Train Travel
If coming by train, alight at Epping Station and walk across the pedestrian overbridge and then through The Epping Club Walk (about a 3 minute walk). For train travel, the Central to Newcastle services and Newcastle to Central Express services have limited stops including Epping.
Kris Kringle
We ask that all attending bring a Christmas gift to the value of around $10 for a Kris Kringle gift sharing.
Stewart House FOSH Raffle
We will have a Stewart House FOSH Raffle. Tickets can be purchased at lunch. Bring some cash for the raffle. Any donations for the raffle can be advised by contacting Kerryanne Knox on kknox@bigpond.com or Heather Causley on causleys@bigpond.net.au.
How to advise attendance
Please advise Maurie Bird of your attendance by email maubird@ozemail.com.au or by phone on 0434148141 by Thursday, 24th November. Numbers need to be advised to the club at this time.
How to pay
All those attending should send payment to Noel West by 24th November. The lunch cost can be paid by cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. If you have a credit because of lunch cancellation or other factors, please note this on your payment eg “Balance paid by $35 credit”. If required, credit amounts can be confirmed by emailing Noel West on nwest@bigpond.net.au.
We look forward to a very enjoyable Christmas get-together. This end-of-year lunch is a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues. We hope to see as many as possible at this event.
RENEWAL NOTICE – 2023 ARPP Membership due 1st January 2023
In late 2021, the ARPP Executive decided to suspend the collection of membership fees due for 2022 and a “year of grace / free membership” was provided to all members who were at that time financial or became financial / paid up by the end of the 2021 year.
Gatherings had been suspended during 2021 largely due to Covid restrictions and the natural reluctance to be ‘out and about’. During 2022 luncheons have resumed and newsletters have continued to be sent out to keep everyone informed.
A number of initiatives dating back to late 2019 have been on hold or partially realised such as website upgrade / update, area contacts and attracting those principals who have retired more recently. Each of these is intended to benefit all retired and retiring principals.
It is now time to pay membership fees and continue enjoying contact with your colleagues. Fees are due from 1st January 2023 and would best be paid by the end of January for 2023. Metropolitan members $50 and Regional members $30.
How to pay
By cheque to ARPP and sent direct to Noel West at 62 Wagstaffe Avenue, Wagstaffe 2257 or by Bank Transfer to BSB062668 Account Number 10152151. Those paying by Bank Transfer need to include their name in the description.
If you have a continuing credit due for a lunch cancellation or other factors please confirm by emailing Noel West on nwest@bigpond.net,au
Noel West Treasurer
Sue Walkom, a PhD candidate from Newcastle University has been referred to us by Robyn Evans NSWPPA President, seeking the recruitment of a number of retired primary principals into a study which hopes to describe the experience and observations of principals post retirement.
It involves two interviews, the first of about one hour and second for an opportunity to add or reflect on the earlier interview.
Her interest is specifically in the Newcastle Region in the first instance.
The Information is attached for those interested in participating.
Studies such as this provide a wonderful opportunity for us as retirees to contribute to the development of information which will inform support for the principalship
A big thank you to Noel West and other members who have contributed to the collection of Photos bringing back many fond memories of the past year.
Tom Croker
President for
ARPP Executive Committee