ARPP – Association of Retired Primary Principals 10-11 March 2022 |
Observer: President Tom Croker
Email: Executive Liaison: Vice P Trish Peters |
WE are very appreciative of the opportunity to present our Report and of the support we receive from the NSWPPA
PPA We extend to our best wishes to the PPA and all principals & teachers who are endeavouring to ensure our schools & their communities can manage the ongoing challenges facing the schooling system and especially during these difficult times and especially to those experiencing the horrific floods.
To those who have retired we say thank for their contributions to public education and the principalship that have been so highly regarded and appreciated by schools and the teaching fraternity.
BRIAN POWYER OAM It was great to honour the Australia Day 2022 Posthumous OAM Award bestowed upon Brian for his service to the community through history preservation organisations. A wonderful recognition of his contributions to the community and his amazing involvement with schools, the profession and ARPP. Brian served on the NSWPPA as Secretary & Deputy President and as Secretary of our Association.
DEVELOPMENTS Our Focus during 2021 has been on: 1. ARPP Website The ongoing development of our upgraded website, as we endeavour to make the site more responsive to the various needs of our members and focus on aspects such as Managing Retirement, Keeping in Touch, Retirement Options, Working in Retirement and Staying Up to date. We are developing information for the various Topics, and we look forward to member contributions especially in the form of stories and reflections. A reminder that the site domain name is and the membership password is rppamember2021#.
2. Reviewing and promoting our Membership which is now at its highest level in recent years. · A big welcome to our most recent new members: Jeanette Grinham, Trish Hagan, Margaret Foott, Sue Estens, Warren Fairfax & Sharon Ihlein 3. The establishment of Area Contacts across the state to support the broadening of our membership base, assisting with regional events and supporting the provision of Networks for our Rural members. A Seeding Grant will be provided to support the Initiative. 4. The provision of news & articles of interest by way of keeping in touch with current trends. · This has included promoting the request from the DoE for expressions of interest in applying for Casual Teaching certification to assist with the teacher shortage created by COVID. · Expressions of Interest to apply for the position of Liaison Officer for visiting preservice teachers with the Uni of New England. · Updates from Save Our Schools relating to the obscene allocation of millions of dollars through the JobKeeper Funds to Private Schools raising huge profits for such schools.
2022 EVENTS The first Lunch event was held at the Kirribilli Club with our list of attendees reduced to from 32 to 20 because of the devastating rain and local flooding which prevented many from being able to travel the venue. Our special guests were PPA President Robyn Evans who joined us for a pre-lunch chat with members and Vice President Trish Peters our Liaison Executive to ARPP who was able to stay for our lunch. Our next event will be lunch at the Sydney Rowing Club, Abbotsford on 1 June. We are currently planning our first Regional Luncheon to be held in Newcastle in late June.
ANNUAL GOLF DAY This will be held at Massey Park Golf Course on Friday 29 April. The day is open to ARPP members & friends, to club & social players. Executive Committee member is coordinating the day.
STEWART HOUSE We continue to support Stewart House especially as it emerges from the COVID 19 Lockdown. Unfortunately, the Health requirements and the continuing presence of the virus forced the closure of Stewart House from July 2021. They are awaiting advice from the DoE as to what conditions will apply to a re-opening. Plans are in hand to allow a limited number of students in from Week 4 with a modified 5-day Program with restricted staffing which will be gradually expanded through Terms 3 & 4.
The promotion of support for school fund raising activities and the teacher salary contribution scheme now more than ever needs a major focus. In the past over 50% of the funding for Stewart House came from schools and teachers but it is currently only 30%. We would encourage all teachers & principals, both current and retired, to maintain their support for this wonderful organisation.
FOSH Update Friends of Stewart House (FOSH) has been quietly active behind the scenes and managed to raise funds thanks to the generosity of its members, ARPP members, IRSEA members and other committed people. We ran two” One Hundred” Club events and raised $1,500.00. We held a very successful Xmas wine selection fundraiser and this raised $3,735.00. The wines were from Leogate in the Hunter Valley and from all reports were excellent! Thanks to everyone who supported the fundraisers in 2021. We appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to Stewart House.
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE We continue to seek your support in promoting our organisation as a strong advocate for our schools, Leaders & NSWPPA and a continuing voice for public education. ARPP was established to provide an avenue for retirees to keep in touch and to be able to meet and share their life in retirement. All retirees whether they are metropolitan, or country can be involved through the various groups as they meet during the year. If there is anyone whom you would like to contact, please inform Kerryanne Knox at, President Tom on or Geoff Scott at
Keep well, stay safe & enjoy the good life. Tom Croker
Draft Position paper for State Council this term: No